1. <source id="hjwvl"></source>

      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker
      pressure cooker

      pressure cooker


      Selling Point:1. Multi-function including frying, steam, risotto, slow cook, bake, defrost, air frying, roast, cake, soup, pizza, rice

      2.High-end design, user-friendly and simple operation

      3.Fastest cooking time and air-frying

      4.Save kitchen space、time and cost

      5.Multi cooking method(Steam&Air) 

      Power:120V/60Hz 、1450W(Airfryer: 1450W、Pressure cooker 1000W)

      1. <source id="hjwvl"></source>

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