1. <source id="hjwvl"></source>

      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer
      pressure cooker air fryer

      pressure cooker air fryer


      Selling Point:1. Multi-function including frying, steam, risotto, slow cook bake, defrost air frying, roast, cake, soup, pizza, rice

      2.High-end design, user-friendly and simple operation

      3.Fastest cooking time and air-frying

      4.Save kitchen space、time and cost

      5.Multi cooking method(Steam &Air) 

      Power:120V/60Hz 、1450W

      Airfryer: 1350W、Pressure cooker 1000W

      1. <source id="hjwvl"></source>

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